
Custom Power BI Dashboards for Personalised Care

Wessex Academy for Skills in Personalised Care needed support from the Virtual Forge to map their new questionnaire files in Ecle format from Qualtrics into a Power BI dashboard.

The Challenge

Project WASP is a small research group within the University of Southampton that delivers training to NHS services. It focuses on supporting health and social care services to deliver Personalized Care, as part of their everyday practice. WASP was interested in creating an internal reporting portal that once developed fully could be used by local authorities/trusts within the UK. This would require changes in data storage. WASP enlisted support from the Virtual Forge to transfer their new Qualtrics questionnaire files in Ecle format into a Power BI dashboard.

WASP are able to enhance and amend their training based upon questionnaires used to gather personalised data. There are 4 key cohorts that are questioned for feedback. These include questionnaires:

  • commissioners who commission NHS services.
  • managers that manage NHS services.
  • frontline staff. 
  • people that use services. 

Some standardised questions are mirrored between the four groups to find out how these people found their care and whether or not it was personalised to their needs. The goal is to provide dashboards for the whole healthcare system enabling drill down into individual services, to find out how personalised care is being delivered. This is an initial trial.

The Solution

Using the client-provided Power BI desktop pbix file, initial efforts by The Virtual Forge involved a reverse engineering of the current data ingestion process in order to understand both the current ingestion and transformation methods, as well as how those transformations translate to report outputs. In concert with this effort, using data extracted from the pbix file and samples of the revised questionnaires, initial efforts undertaken by the Virtual Forge included an analysis of the questions for each questionnaire type in order to generate, as close as possible, a 1:1 mapping between versions. The overarching goal of said mapping was to retain as much of the current data transformations as possible, providing for a near seamless transition for both data ingestion and outputs. Part of this effort included the use of Power Query parameters, utilised as part of the ingestion of source data in order to allow Project WASP personnel to easily transition to their own SharePoint-based source system. 

A second project workstream involved the development of an executive summary page based on concept images provided by the Project WASP team. During the course of page development, The Virtual Forge worked closely with the Project WASP team in order to ensure alignment, surface potential problems related to current data limitations, and suggest alternative visualizations. In order to support the desired outputs and filter options, the Virtual Forge added new fields and tables to the data model, expanding the available relationships.

Lastly, on completion of the questionnaire mapping and the subsequent transformation process updates to achieve the same table-level outputs, The Virtual Forge worked to resolve visual-level errors or inconsistencies caused by variations in question numbering and response formats. Often, this required the creation of new dimension and fact tables, where the latter were designed to parse comma-separated responses into discrete values, and the former used to drive filters where more than one table was used to show responses on a given page. In other cases, due to response-level variations, visual elements needed to be redesigned (with Project WASP sign-off) in order to convey the same content as the version of the report based on original questionnaires.

The Goals

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The report enables WASP with both an overview of the surveys as well as allowing for a deeper dive into surveys across services and teams. With quarterly data collection, this solution streamlines WASP’s data collection process, reducing reliance on external systems and individuals, thereby accelerating report generation with less risk involved. With the report, data analysis becomes more accessible. 

“Before we had to rely on an external company for data collection and collation and then wait for them to send it to us. It's not only the speed but it's not having to rely on another kind of service or worry that if a service goes under or someone goes on sick, then we're going to be left without the ability to do things. It's much more flexible.”

The report is currently deployed across 4 teams and gathers survey data from over 100+ individuals. The goal is to expand into even more teams in the future to show survey responses in the near future.

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The Benefits

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